Friday, January 25, 2013

. . . The Party Line was a Social Media?

When you log onto your favorite form of social media platform to catch up with friends, do you ever wonder what possesses some of them to share private information so freely and publicly?  Interestingly, sharing gossip and indiscretions is not new.  Years ago, gossip also spread like wildfire via the telephone party line, commonly called the “grapevine”.

In rural areas, people literally shared a telephone line.  When the telephone rang, it rang into all homes on that line.  Each home had a special ring signifying the call was for them so they would know to answer.  Unfortunately, there was no way to stop others on the same line from listening in.  Scandalous news passed quickly when an eavesdropper overheard something they could not wait to share.

In the days of the party line, the intent was not to share personal news (or at least not always). However, today people often live out their personal dramas on Facebook, Twitter and various other social media platforms, and despite that some may think sharing intimate knowledge via social media is new, it simply has been given a new twist and reinvented. 

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